The main window
System Tray Icon : ![](img/docSysTray.jpg)
1. The Caption of the main window window. Can be hidden if configured.
2. The shortcut group name you are currently using.
3. The shortcut buttons. When hovered (not pressed) the shortcut activates and opens the associated file (or folder).
4. The " <" and " >" set the next or previous shortcut group. The "<" and ">" keyboard activates them accordingly.
5. The Hide button. The mouse is automaticly centered when the window opens to access the shortcutes easier. Pressing it will make Shortcutter minimize to system tray.
6. The " X" button closes Shortcutter.
7. The " #" button opens the Settings window.
The settings window
The settings window has 2 tabs. The Group settings,the Configuration, the KeyBoard and the Notes tabs.
The Groups tab
1. The List of the Shortcut Groups currently availiable.
2. The "Add" and "Remove" buttons to add or remove a shortcut group. There has to be at least one shortcut group.
3. The "Up" and "Down" buttons to order groups.
4. The "Title" of the current shortcut group
5. The "Save" button saves the title change.
6. The "Shortcut Icon" which shows which shortcut you want to configure.
7. The "Shortcut Dir" which shows the associtated shortcut path.
8. The "Shortcut Associated Icon" which, when pressed opens the Shortcut Options Window.
The Shortcut Options window
This window configures the associations.
The "Attach File" which opens a browse to select a file to attach
The "Attach Folder" which opens a directory browse to select a folder to attach
The "Remove" which removes the current association
The "Cancel" which closes this window.
The Configuration tab
Image A: ![](img/NoCaption.jpg) Image B:
The "Run on Windows Startup" option, when checked, runs Shortcutter when the user logs on Windows.
The "Always on Top" option, when checked, makes the main window never to loose focus.
The "Trap Mouse" option, when checked, doesn't let the mouse move away from the main window. This allows the user to move the mouse 360 degrease and open all shortcuts whithout being precise.
The "AutoHide when shortcut is triggered" option, when checked, minimizes the main window back to the system tray.
The "Automaticly delete erronimus shortcut" option, when checked, deletes the erronimus shortcut, when unchecked, the Shortcut Options window appears. If the "Warn when deleting automaticly an erronimus shortcut" is check a message box appears with the information.
The "Hide main window Caption" option, when checked, the caption of the main window disappears (changing this requires ShortCutter to restart). ( Image A)
The "Transparent main window" option, when checked, makes main window partly transparent. The "Hide main window Caption" must be enabled in order to do this. This also needs restart. (Image B)
The "Time between 2 shortcut activations" slidebar determines the time between 2 of the same shortcut activationg action is triggered.
The "Mouse Wheel Action" currently has only 1 option. "Change Group" which changes the group in the main window. If "Loop" is selected, the groups will loop.
The Keyboard Tab
1. Configuring HotKey shortcut
2. Configuring main window's action buttons.
3. Configuring main window's shortcut buttons.
The Notes tab
A really simple notepad. ;)
1. The editing control.
2. The "Save" button to save the Note.
3. The "Clear" button to clear all text.
4. The "Copy to clipboard" button to copy all the text to the clipboard.